Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wk 2 - AR Status

I am a procrastinator. 

I haven't always been this way.  When I was in the 5th grade, I made the jump from a student who turned in everything on time to a student who didn't.  I really used to be one of those kids who would turn in signed permission slip forms the day after the teacher gave them back.  One day, though, I wondered to myself why I did that, why I turned in my permission slips the very next day.  Even the teacher's daughter didn't turn in her permission slip the very next day.  Thus, I became a procrastinator.

When I was in college, my procrastination was really, really bad because I often wouldn't write my essays until the night before.  My research would be done days ahead of schedule, but the actual paper wouldn't be done until the night before.  One semester, I had five papers due the week of finals, so I had no choice but to procrastinate and it felt wonderful to have an excuse! Action Research Project...not a good thing to procrastinate on...but I did.  The bulk of my Action Research had been done for months.  I just chose not to do the writing because I'm not a writer, despite the fact that I am an English major.  So the week before the AR Status was due, I freaked out because I didn't think I was going to get finished in time.  The Sunday before the assignment was due, I locked myself inside my office, my husband dropped off our daughter at my parents house, and I essentially was left to my own devices for the next three days. 

I began with my Literature Review.  I rewrote it.  By hand.  And it took me hours...but I got it done. 

I moved to Cycle 1.  I wrote it out by hand as well and I finished it Sunday night.  The only thing I had left to do was Cycle 2 and I saved it for Monday.

On Monday, I finished up Cycle 2 and turned in my AR Status...I FINISHED A DAY EARLY!! 

This from a procrastinator...


  1. I'm amazed that you have it down to a science, the moment when you became a procrastinator. I was born a procrastinator (to the point that my mom's labor lasted much longer than any mother really wishes). Anyways, I have had my research done for endless months but am just (yes, 5 days late) making the final changes on my paper before I hand it over. I've never been a very good writer but instead of trying to be a contribution, I always am just trying to measure up and make sure I am the person that makes the great grade everyone expects. I am working on just relaxing and being a contribution. Okay, I am going to finish checking and obsessively re-checking my paper. Congrats on getting yours done and best of luck. We are almost done. :)

  2. I am not relieved by reading your blog on how bad of a procrastinator you are. I'm the worst one in the history of the world. It took me 9 years to get my B.A. I think I have a twisted pathological need to see how far I can let things go before I'll step up to the plate and get it done. I could teach a course on how to procrastinate and still get by in life if it weren't for all of the deadlines involved with planning and grading. I guess assessment would be easy; whoever fails to turn in their final project passes with flying colors.

  3. Just to clarify that first sentence, what I mean is that typically when people hear about others' problems they think, "Hey, mine aren't so bad." They feel a sense of relief that they are not alone in their inadequacy. I felt no relief because I know that my procrastinatory skills are superior.
