Friday, June 25, 2010

Wk 4 Response - Emily Overstreet

Original post by Emily Overstreet:

I'm thinking I would like to do a presentation. Well, lets settle this real quick. I really would rather write an article than present because I do not enjoy talking to groups of people, much less people I don't know. However, I am a much better presenter than writer, so I will go with the lesser of two evils and choose the presentation option. I am not a teacher, so I would like to present my idea to the Jefferson County School System. I am not sure if I will be allowed to since I am not involved in the school system at all. Hopefully, if I can present, it will give me an in to the school system. It is a rather large school system, so maybe I will start small and present to the board and then do smaller presentations among different districts. It is not that I don't want to present to the whole group, but I feel it will have a bigger impact if I do more presentations to smaller groups of people. 
Another option for a presentation would include presenting at Kentucky Society for Technology in Education training conference in the fall of 2010. With both of these ideas, I need to search for the right contact to email about presenting. This is nerve wracking as I have never done this before at all. Ahhh.

Response by Rebecca Day:

Just because you are not affiliated with the school system does not mean that you will not be able to present. At my old school, the principal brought in a few speakers who were not affiliated with our system, but he thought that what they had to say might be of some interest to the faculty. If you ask, you might be surprised when they say "yes". If they turn you down, you can at least say you tried.


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